Contact Us

Use the form on the right to contact us.

Or call Chris directly at:

Phone: 518-419-8328


62020 Torkelson Rd
Bend, OR, 97701




We are dedicated to quality and continued satisfaction. Whether we're installing your new plantscape or taking over the maintenance of your existing plants, we will assume full responsibility for the health and proper care of your plants.

Quality of service is unmatched

It's the Touch provides dependable plant maintenance and excellent customer service. Our knowledgeable and professional staff promises to meet all of your residential or commercial  plants' needs.

For a Free consultation:

Call Christin 541-419-8328

Our Guarantee

It's the Touch supplies only the highest quality plant material. When obtaining plants for your office or home. We carefully inspect each plant for any sign of mishandling or pest and disease infestation.



Let us help you design your perfect space. Based on each individual client, our highly qualified staff will work with you to meet any special needs. Our designs will make it easy to transform any space.